Acupuncture for Dogs, Cats & Horses

Acupuncture, VOM, and Cold Laser Therapy are the heart of Dr. Todd’s practice. These modalities improve health and achieve optimum performance while providing compassionate and gentle care. Treatments relieve pain, stimulate healing at the cellular level, as well as increase well-being and longevity.

  • Acupuncture operates under the theory that when the body’s natural energy source becomes disrupted, sickness and pain can occur.

  • Relieve pain, stimulate healing and increase well-being.

  • Treatments in the comfort of your own home available.

  • Can be used to treat several conditions from arthritis to respiratory problems and just about everything in between.

  • Treatments are generally once a week for 3 weeks and then the case is reassessed.

Veterinary Acupuncture for Dogs

Veterinary Acupuncture Treatments

Frequently Asked Questions About Acupuncture For Pets

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Jill Todd, DVM, commitment to stays on top of the latest advances in acupuncture, chiropractic and other complete animal care technology and techniques for the care of your pet.

Only licensed veterinarians are eligible to practice acupuncture. You do not have to be certified to preform veterinary acupuncture, but certification ensures that the person performing the acupuncture has completed an official training program.

Acupuncture is often used to treat dogs with arthritis and joint inflammation. Dogs with chronic back pain and even dogs with serious spinal cord conditions also benefit from acupuncture.

In acupuncture, the body is like a freeway system, with Qi flowing through energy pathways called Meridians. While acupuncture can’t fix the fact that a dog with hip dysplasia has a malformed hip socket, it can reduce the amount of pain associated with this disorder by removing the blockages to the flow of Qi.

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Acupuncture is often used to treat dogs with arthritis and joint inflammation. Dogs with chronic back pain and even dogs with serious spinal cord conditions also benefit from acupuncture.

In acupuncture, the body is like a freeway system, with Qi flowing through energy pathways called Meridians. While acupuncture can’t fix the fact that a dog with hip dysplasia has a malformed hip socket, it can reduce the amount of pain associated with this disorder by removing the blockages to the flow of Qi.

Generally the animal should have the remainder of the day to rest. Each animal is evaluated on an individual basis and the doctor will provide you with the best course of action that is right for your animals.

Cost of Chiropractic Care in Dogs. The cost of chiropractic care can vary wildly, depending on location and the age, condition, and behavioral disposition of the individual dog concerned. However, the majority of owners can expect chiropractic care to cost between $50 and $200 per session.

Holistic Veterinary Care

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Pet owners trust us to look after the needs of their beloved companions. We are specialists committed to delivering the very highest of veterinary care and affection.