Treat Pets as you would your other family members to protect them against (COVID-19)

There are recent reports of the first cases of transmitted COVID-19 between human to pets.  As a veterinarian, a dog owner, and animal lover, I can relate to and understand the rising level of questions and worry about how to protect ourselves and our pets.  I recommend visiting reliable sites that can advise on how to keep everyone in your home healthy and safe during these challenging times.

CDC Coronavirus (COVID-19) – If you have animals

Direct Quote: “Treat pets as you would other human family members – do not let pets interact with people or animals outside the household. If a person inside the household becomes sick, isolate that person from everyone else, including pets.”  Source:

Corgi and Ridgeback hugs and out for a healthy walk guidance on how to keep your pets safe.

Until we learn more about how this virus affects animals, treat pets as you would other human family members to protect them from a possible infection.

  • Do not let pets interact with people or other animals outside the household.
  • Keep cats indoors when possible to prevent them from interacting with other animals or people.
  • Walk dogs on a leash, maintaining at least 6 feet (2 meters) from other people and animals.
  • Avoid dog parks or public places where a large number of people and dogs gather.

There is a small number of animals around the world reported to be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, mostly after having contact with a person with COVID-19. Talk to your veterinarian if your pet gets sick or if you have any concerns about your pet’s health. Source:

Common sense and good hygiene best practices.

Since animals can spread other diseases and parasites to people, it is always a good idea to wash your hands after being around animals.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid having your dog or cat lick your face.
  • Clean and disinfect common areas frequently.
  • Avoid people who are sick (for both you and your pets).

If you have any questions visit CDC’s Healthy Pets, Healthy People website.

Still have questions?

If you would like a 1 on 1 consultation, I can review your pet’s medical history, and give you some recommendations for diet, supplements, and also some specific exercises to keep your pet’s immune system happy.



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