Acupuncture, cold laser and body work helped Bosco’s arthritis.

Testimonial – Bosco’s fur parents

We brought our 12-year-old Lab to Jill for acupuncture, cold laser and body work. He suffered from hind-end weakness and severe arthritis throughout most of his joints, especially his front elbows. After a few months with Jill, he was able to regain some use of his tail for balance and walk on his own more than he had been. For a little while, he was able to walk without his back feet knuckling under. We had been doing acupuncture with another vet for about a year before coming to Jill. We never noticed any improvement with the other vet’s treatments. Switching to Jill was one of the best decisions we made. I am certain it gave us a handful of extra months with our precious dog.

Bosco - I miss his smiling face.



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